Sunday, 8 July 2012

Townsville, Australia

We have made it to Townsville after a huge couple of days. A 12-hour flight, then a full day in Hong Kong at Disneyland before boarding for an 8-hour flight to Australia. Very knackered and only a few hours sleep which we snatched in the airport lying on the airport chairs like vagrants and when we booked into a hotel for three hours for showers and a rapid snooze. Disneyland was great; not amazing. just too old for it now I guess. Grace, Terry and I went on some of the hair raising rides but poor Ella was just done in. There were people, queues and heat! Still, it had to be done and I even went on the cup and saucer ride. Hong Kong from the taxi window looks quite lovely with its backdrop of hills covered in green and its islands. Worth pursuing further I think.

The first day in Townsville we visited the Billabong nature reserve where there were kangaroos, cassowary, snakes, wombats, koala and crocodiles. We were taught about wombats, koalas, snakes and crocodiles and we were able to hold a snake and koala which was pretty cool. Initially, Grace was reluctant but she gave it a go in the end. A very odd sensation holding a snake. Quite a rubbery creature.

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